Mom Paranoia!

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Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go….

Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom. I like to think I’m not as bad as some moms, but I know I could be a little more….relaxed. But, what if something happens to my kids!!?? (sooo that’s where my daughter gets it…oops).Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go…. Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom.

I have a hard time letting them sleepover, if it’s not family. My 10 yr. old has a few friends I don’t mind her going to, only because I know the moms. My 6 yr. old has only slept at family’s houses so far. But he’s my crazy child, so that’s part fear of him not listening and being wild!

This is the first school year my 10 yr. old has walked to school by herself (weather permitting). Hey! It’s a crazy world out there!! Luckily, I can see her school from my back door and can watch her walk most of the way, till she gets to the crossing guards. She does good. She’s a cautious girl. (Thank god.)

But now it’s summertime (think Summer happys!) and we are going to try letting her ride her bike around our development to hang with friends. Be still my crazy, beating heart!

And the things that go through my mind, Oy. All the what ifs….That I know will probably never happen, but dang it my mom brain just goes there!Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go…. Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom.

What if………  (be sure to read in a crazy-fast-paced-mom-voice)

*She’s at a sleepover, and she gets sick but is too scared to tell the mom to call me….this one is true! She did this once! My poor girl!! She waited til morning! (broke my heart!)

*I let her walk alone and she forgets to look both ways and a car hits her and I think the worse and I can’t plan a funeral!

*They’re at a playground and fall and crack their head open and I’m not there because I let them go alone because I was trying to be a brave mom!

*He doesn’t listen and rides his big wheel past where he’s not supposed to go and goes down the big hill and crashes and cracks his head open!

*They’re playing out back and I go in the house, to go to the bathroom quick and a stranger calls to them and they forget all that we told them and get snatched and can’t fight them and they’re gone forever!

*They’re swinging and fall off and break their neck.

*They get something stuck in their eye and go blind.

*We’re taking a walk and a dog attacks us and I can’t protect them!

*They’re swimming at their aunt’s pool and I have to go to the bathroom and I make them get out and not go near the pool while I’m gone. And they don’t listen and I’m too late! (Do I go to the bathroom that much…?).

Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go…. Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom.

*Or they choke. Or stub their toe and get an infection and die. Or break a leg. Or aliens snatch them. Or an eagle pecks they’re eye out. Or a big wave carries them out to sea…..!                    

OH the horrors and the worries!! (What is wrong with me!?) HA! Maybe you should go read Mom Brain!!

Mom paranoia….YOU. SUCK. You make me think crazy things!!

Do you have crazy mom paranoia that you know in the light of day is silly, but can seem so real at night. In bed. When you can’t sleep….because…mom paranoia. What are the crazy thoughts you have? Are they just as legit as mine? Please, tell me they are…..

My poor husband. And kids…..

Until next time…..

Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go…. Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom.
My ideal picture, kid sitting on couch, no worries …right??
Mom Paranoia! How do you let your kids go…. Hi. My name is Amanda, and I’m an overprotective mom.




  1. brittany

    June 22, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    Yuuuup. Ditto! My little girl is still only 18 months but I worry about everything!
    xo, brittany

    1. EDamanda

      June 22, 2017 at 7:59 pm

      The worry can be crazy for us mommas. Do dad’s even worry!?

  2. Nicole

    June 23, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    I am totally a what if mom, just like you! Total paranoia over here. LOL!Thanks for writing something so relatable!

    1. EDamanda

      June 23, 2017 at 1:09 pm

      Thanks for the comment! I know lots of mommas do this. Crazy what we come with!! 😄

  3. Addison

    June 23, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    I can imagine it only gets worse. I used to be worried that if he had a granual of salt before one that would be it. Now I pass him the salt. Then, it is replaced by new worries.

    1. EDamanda

      June 23, 2017 at 5:30 pm

      I think it changes. Always new worries around the corner. But it’s constant. Mommin ain’t easy!!

  4. Natasha

    June 24, 2017 at 10:28 am

    From what I can get every mum has mum paranoia it just changes depending on their age. My little boy is 3 and I still get knots in my stomach when we’re out and about x

    1. EDamanda

      June 24, 2017 at 10:31 am

      Agree! Always new & different worries. Thanks for reading/commenting. 😊

  5. Nicole

    June 26, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    My kids are 3 1/2 and 20 months and my mind is already playing what if. My youngest pushes her limits to palpating beat of my heart and I just know I’m going to be a complete mess as she continues to grow. Great read. Always nice to know I’m not alone as a crazy obsessive mom

    1. EDamanda

      June 26, 2017 at 1:41 pm

      Us paranoid mom’s must stick together! 😉 thanks for commenting.

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