Summer Travel Ideas
Summer Travel Ideas. Keep those kids busy.
Whether you’re road tripping or flying, some of these, or all of these, ideas will help pass the time quickly!
Yay for summer! It’s that time of year. No school. Warmer weather. Swimming and sprinklers and biking and late nights and lightning bugs. Cook outs and picnics and vacations and fireworks and wow. Summer’s got it going on!
We also like to plan a family vacation every year. Most years we went to Rehoboth beach, Delaware (about 4 hour drive). Last year we went crazy and went to Outer Banks North Carolina! That’s a 10-12 hour drive for us! With. Kids. Yeah. I know. Nuts!
But, I was a mom with a plan. I searched the web and of course Pinterest! And came up with a bunch of ideas that I used last year and now, this year. We are flying to Florida this year. (2 hour drive to airport, 2 ½ hours flight).
I tried to find different things that weren’t electronics. Not that we wouldn’t use electronics, because we totally did and do!
**This post may contain affiliate links or ads (that I placed myself) which means I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!) for products purchased, so I can keep this little blog rollin and maybe buy momma some new chucks. Please read Disclosure Page for more info.**
Here’s a list of things I found:
Travel binder. I filled this with tons of printables. I was a printing fool! And I put a cover sheet on the front so the kids could tell whose was whose binder. I did some printables that were the same and some that were age appropriate. See end of post for links to some free printables I found mostly through Pinterest.
Pipe cleaners. They could bend and wrap and make whatever they wanted. I cut some in half so they had different sizes. My daughter played with these more than my son.
Legos box. I bought a cheap pencil box. Hot glued a base piece of Legos that I cut to fit into the pencil box so they had somewhere to build and threw in some loose pieces of Legos. (link below).
Audio books. Surprisingly this worked for a little while off and on. We got some audio books from the library and tested them out before the trip and the kids liked them!
I also included:

Tablets (They each got a regular sized tablet and a mini sized, for fun!).
Coloring books.
Crayons, colored pencils, regular pencils (in their own pencil pouch that zipped and had 3 ring binder holes to put in travel binder).
I found these super cute, plastic “Ziploc” pouches that had 3 ring binder holes. In these I put stencils, lots of stickers, mini post it notes, little tape dispensers (like washi tape). The pouches went in their back pack because they were too big for binder.
Little toys. Cars, mini figures (like ninja turtles, littlest pet shop, etc) so the kids could play pretend.
Snacks, snacks, snacks. Can not forget snacks! I did over pack the snacks, but we used them through out the week, so no biggie.
And of course, good ol’ radio.
All of this was a surprise for the kiddos for the trip. They had no clue! Each kid had there own back pack with all of their goodies packed inside. Snacks were packed in their lunch box. They also had a blanket, neck pillow and sweatshirt.
I bought over the back seat organizers so they had some things (books, electronics, tissues, other random toys,etc.) packed in there too, easy to reach, right in front of them. We still use them! They are awesome.
So, for our trip this year, I’ll have to cut it down a little, since we’re flying and won’t have as much room to pack stuff. But at least I have some awesome ideas to keep them entertained!
Do you take a family vacation? Will you use some of theses ideas?
*And for being awesome and checking out my blog, here’s a free I SPY Summertime printable! Enjoy!*
Until next time…
*Here is my personal Pinterest Board-travelin with my bugs that has all the travel ideas that I’ve found.
Here’s a few of the links where you’ll find:
- Travel Binder I used the printable cover page and she has a list of free printables. I printed some of mine from here. Via
- Lego pencil box This was super easy and my kids still have them. (Although, my son’s needs glued again!) Via
- Printables More fun printables. Via
- Drawing prompts These were fun for kiddos too. Via
And much more. Again, visit my personal Pinterest Board above for many more ideas that I wish I came up with, but alas, I did not.
July 3, 2017 at 10:49 amThis is so smart! We travel a lot and my 2 year old gets bored!
July 3, 2017 at 12:07 pmThanks!
July 3, 2017 at 11:12 amI love the pipe cleaners idea and the audio books idea! I don’t know how I didn’t think about either of those before now! Thanks for sharing!
July 3, 2017 at 12:08 pmSure! Thanks. They work pretty good, even if only for a little bit.
July 4, 2017 at 2:28 pmIn our years of road trips, we’ve definitely found that less is more. Now they typically take their iPhones (plus car charger and headphones), a book and a bag of snacks.
July 4, 2017 at 3:08 pmNice & simple. I’m a bit of an over-packer, over-planner. 😊
Kimberly @ Berly's Kitchen
July 6, 2017 at 5:46 pmThese are great ideas! They would have been so much fun to have around when I was little or even when my son was small. Love the pipe cleaner idea! 🙂
July 6, 2017 at 6:00 pmAww. Thanks! & thank you for reading!!
July 23, 2017 at 9:09 amThanks for thes great ideas !!
July 23, 2017 at 9:39 amYou are welcome! Thanks for reading.
August 17, 2017 at 11:07 amI love the printouts! We play hangman and tic tac toe almost every where we have to sit and wait! Now I can print them out instead of using random scraps or kids placemats! Thanks!😁😍😎
August 18, 2017 at 6:59 pmThey’re good at keeping the kids busy! Thanks for commenting. 😊
July 8, 2018 at 5:03 pmSuch great ideas! My littlest isn’t quite old enough for some of these but it definitely gives me a good idea on other ways to keep her entertained! Thanks!!
July 8, 2018 at 7:08 pmGreat! Hope it helps in future!!