Thank You… An Ode to Life…
So I took a page from Jimmy Fallon’s show. His thank you notes crack me up , so I created some of my own. Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for creating the thank you notes of all thank you notes.
Thank you Netflix for giving my kids something to watch all the time. And making them think that everything happens instantly with no waiting! (Commercials anyone?) Remember cartoons on Saturday mornings ONLY!? How did we survive?
Thank you bedtime, for making my kids have a schedule and giving me some me time and for giving my kids a reason to throw a fit.
Thank you “This Is Us” for being a great TV show and making me feel every feeling under the sun in Every. Single. Episode. #allthefeels
Thank you morning coffee for tasting so good and warming me up and helping me face life and people and my kids and responsibilities…..
Thank you Pinterest for letting me pin All. The. Things. And not do many of them.
Thank you new month, so I can erase my calendar and start anew. Because adulting.
Thank you kids for showing me I can love endlessly and be annoyed at the same time.
Thank you kids for listening….. for 5 minutes then fighting and showing me I have control over nothing.
Thank you Bluetooth shower speaker for letting me have my own live concert/dance party and not judging me.
Thank you job at school for allowing me to have snow days with my kids and regretting having snow days with my kids. #siblings #fighting #getalong #fightagain #bequietwatchtv #momlife
Thank you weekend mornings, you’re great for sleeping in, except when you have kids, then there is no sleeping in….
Thank you video games for giving me some quiet time and then turning my kids into angry little boogers when asked to turn them off.
Thank you errands, for allowing me to get things I need and ruining my kids life because you’re boring.
Those are just a few I’ve been able to come with for now… To Be Continued!!!
How about you guys? What thank yous do you have? Once again, Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for making your own clever thank you notes. Comment and share!
Until next time…
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